Posted by : Unknown Saturday, 15 February 2014

Hai hai hai !
kali ini saya akan share ke kalian tentang Narrative text (Cerita).
Beberapa dari cerita ini sudah dilengkapi dengan Generic structure-nya.
gimana? sudah gak sabar mau lihat ceritanya?
oke disimak ya

Narrative text in the legends

  1. The legend of Toba Lake
  2. The legend of Sura and Baya
  3. The legend of Tangkuban Perahu
Narrative text in fables

  1. The story of ugly duckling
  2. The story of monkey and crocodile
  3. The story of rabbit and bear
Narrative text in stories of man vs animal

  1. The story of the smartest parrot
  2. The story of woodcutter and the king of the mice
  3. The story of cap seller and the monkeys
Narrative text in love stories

  1. Love story of Romeo and Juliet
  2. Love story of Antony and Cleopatra
  3. Love story of Naruto and Hinata
Narrative text tentang cerita rakyat lainnya

  1. The story of Malin Kundang
  2. The story of farmer and a box
  3. The story Arabian princes
  4. The story of a kite

 itulah 16 Narrative Text yang bisa dijadikan bahan ujian praktek atau hanya untuk bahan bacaan aja..
Terima kasih ^_^

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