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- 16 Contoh Terbaik Narrative Text Pendek
Posted by : Unknown
Saturday, 15 February 2014
Hai hai hai !
kali ini saya akan share ke kalian tentang Narrative text (Cerita).
Beberapa dari cerita ini sudah dilengkapi dengan Generic structure-nya.
gimana? sudah gak sabar mau lihat ceritanya?
oke disimak ya
Narrative text in the
Narrative text in
Narrative text in
stories of man vs animal
- The story
of the smartest parrot
- The story
of woodcutter and the king of the mice
- The story
of cap seller and the monkeys
Narrative text in love
Narrative text tentang
cerita rakyat lainnya
- The story
of Malin Kundang
- The story
of farmer and a box
- The story
Arabian princes
- The story
of a kite
Terima kasih ^_^